Faith, Human Rights and Justice

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Religion should used positively, not to be an impediment to human rights.
Religion should used positively, not to be an impediment to human rights.
[[Category:Human Rights]]
[[Category: Nairobi WSF 2007]]
[[Category: Nairobi WSF 2007]]
[[Category:Terrain 1]]

Revision as of 15:42, 4 December 2007

Title:Faith, Human Rights and Justice

Time:1:00 pm

Name of Organizers:Caritas ARCC Ecumenical Platform

Number of participants

Male 30

Female 30

Total 60

Key speakers

Nicolas Otieno

Summary of Issues

Human Rights charter adapted by UN in 1948 mainly to defend promote and present human rights. Human beings are born free, their rights must be protected and respected including property, life, liberty, security. Also protection against torture and other crimes

Declaration on Human rights stipulates emphasis on collective responsibility e.g. community rights attract different interpretations related to culture and religion

God is not mentioned but the unity and dignity is unique enables humans to live in unity and dignity. Negative impulses have affected human rights e.g Jihads, Genocide e.g. in Rwanda and terrorism e.g World Trade Centre

Humans have used God as an instrument of manipulation, extortion and exploration at demonstrated where preconceived ideas relegates one to a certain class in society.

Justice without love in Christianity is inadequate. Christianity should be above culture. Love is most important for humanity. Without Love human rights efforts will not create meaning to life.

Human rights efforts should create environment of inclusively for humanity to encompass even the weak in the society.

Culture without love cannot succeed in bettering humans instead of faith and religion uniting humanity, it is causing divisions. Religion can help human rights through love leading to God.

Emergence of liberalization of economy, then freedom of religion leading to too many denominations has led to growth of fundamentalism and intolerance to diversity. Such is anti-human rights and creates animosity

Some cultures are anti-human rights e.g. female circumcision, exploitation of women in society to provide nourishment to the family but are not part of decision making. Here, culture undermines human rights.

Religion should used positively, not to be an impediment to human rights.

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