Access to Quality Education for ALL

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== Title: Access to quality education for ALL(E7A) ==
== Title: Access to quality education for ALL(E7A) ==
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[[Category:Nairobi WSF 2007]]

Revision as of 07:19, 5 December 2007

Title: Access to quality education for ALL(E7A)

Time 11:30-2:00p.m

Orgainzer: Elimu Kwa Wote(EFA)

No of Participants

Female 180

Male 155

Total 355

Key speakers


Teopista Birungi(UGanda Teachers Association)

WEsonga-Vice chairman Kenya National UNion of teachers

Summary Value for Education

Education provides skills to be able to speak languages perfectly'

It helps people to play their roles as responsibble citizens in society,They can criticaly,advise their governments.

It can facilitate the people entre labour markets

Citizens can get employment

Education is a source of power

Where there are not well trained teachers,the quality of education deteriorates


Every child has a right to access quality education There is ned for well trained teachers in all nations for our children NGOs should build material complaints and platforms to pressurise their governments to provide quality education

Governments should recruit the necessary number of teachers,provide themm with continuing education and pay them motivating salaries to keep them in schools if we are to have another world.

Resist pressure from IMF,world Bank to dictate on our education systems(teacher recruitment)

Six goals of education for all by 2005

Expand early childhood care and education

Provide free and compulsory primary education for all

Promote learning and skills for young people and adults

Increase adult literacy by 50%

Achieve gender parity and gender equality by 2005

Enhance educational equality

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