Human Rights and Dignity
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- | There are frameworks in the forum of UN instruments and various regional and local chapters which bind governments to steer towards the realization of human dignity. activists need not only remind governments on this obligation but should go the extra mile to demand governments to respect their obligation towards a realization of human dignity for their citizen and the world community as a whole. | + | There are frameworks in the forum of UN instruments and various regional and local chapters which bind governments to steer towards the realization of human dignity. activists need not only remind governments on this obligation but should go the extra mile to demand governments to respect their obligation towards a realization of human dignity for their citizen and the world community as a whole. |
Not only governments violate the rights of citizens . in developing countries multinational corporations who are more powerful than governments often manipulate governments to pass policies which violates the rights of citizens. | Not only governments violate the rights of citizens . in developing countries multinational corporations who are more powerful than governments often manipulate governments to pass policies which violates the rights of citizens. | ||
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'''Report by''' Loum Godfrey and Nabititto Sharon Alice | '''Report by''' Loum Godfrey and Nabititto Sharon Alice | ||
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58 Mobilise the whole world for the recognition of the rights of marginalized people in our communities e.g. people with disabilities community sisters pieandinese ? 723406342 | 58 Mobilise the whole world for the recognition of the rights of marginalized people in our communities e.g. people with disabilities community sisters pieandinese ? 723406342 | ||
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306 Start a Global action week campaign " building another world from the local building-anotherworld-fromthelocal-prop306inwsf7 colectivo ecologico jalisco, red mexicana de accion frente al librecommercio, ruvuna msiision to the poor padi fuerza unida usa, sofins women association tanzania jorge(at);jcejumtz(at); padi_msgwa(at); admin(at)lafuerzaunida.orginike2005(at) | 306 Start a Global action week campaign " building another world from the local building-anotherworld-fromthelocal-prop306inwsf7 colectivo ecologico jalisco, red mexicana de accion frente al librecommercio, ruvuna msiision to the poor padi fuerza unida usa, sofins women association tanzania jorge(at);jcejumtz(at); padi_msgwa(at); admin(at)lafuerzaunida.orginike2005(at) | ||
400 Consider the topic of prisons in the next WSF originals to be found | 400 Consider the topic of prisons in the next WSF originals to be found | ||
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+ | [ creative writing services] | ||
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Latest revision as of 12:53, 30 December 2011
Organizers: Dignity International, Kenya Human Rights Commission, Equal Rights, BEACON
Participants: over 1000
Key Speakers:Shirin, Mary Robinson, Nora de Cortinas.
Summary of Issues.[Human rights]
open university the search for dignity. a people who live in poverty have no experience of dignity. Poverty is therefore a violation of human Tights.
There are frameworks in the forum of UN instruments and various regional and local chapters which bind governments to steer towards the realization of human dignity. activists need not only remind governments on this obligation but should go the extra mile to demand governments to respect their obligation towards a realization of human dignity for their citizen and the world community as a whole.
Not only governments violate the rights of citizens . in developing countries multinational corporations who are more powerful than governments often manipulate governments to pass policies which violates the rights of citizens.
Recommendations: human rights [1][legal and human rights centre] We need a world where everyone is economically pro-active, a world where everyone is socially inclusive and a world of unity and cultural diversity.
For more information contact: Deborah Gathu and Zaynah Khanbhai
Report by Loum Godfrey and Nabititto Sharon Alice
[[Category:Actionable themes
58 Mobilise the whole world for the recognition of the rights of marginalized people in our communities e.g. people with disabilities community sisters pieandinese ? 723406342
59 Promote the recognition of western sahara as an independent country both in the African Union and the United Nations promote-recognition-of-westernsahara-prop59inwsf7 justice and peace uganda balndye(at)
60 Put ressure on governments to make gender balanced education compulsory in schools gender-balanced-education-inschools-prop60inwsf7 kavamega human rights network tomwanje(at)
400 Act for Recognition of economic rights for fishing communities along lake Victoria originals to be found
70 Act for recognition of the rights of Sengwer community by the Government of Kenya sengwer cherangany cultural group 0727458763, 0735683050
400 Promote the recognition of workers rights especially by Multinational corporations originals to be found
72 Combat child prostitution along the coast in Kenya combat-childprostitution-inkenyacoast-prop72inwsf7 CWID kenya, Paseco Kenya coastwindev(at), shirowaire(at)
74 Support the mandate of the special reporters appointed by UNHCR on work and descent based discrimination Support-unhcr-reporters-on-descentbased-discrimination-prop74inwsf7 NCDHR-national campaign on dalit human rights, HRFDL - human right fundation for dalit liberation- NFDLRM national federation of dalit land right movement vincent(at), thesign(at)
75 Come up with policy proposals towards the realisation of land rights In Kenya policies-for-landrights-inkenya-prop75inwsf7 Kenya land alliance and coalition on eviction klal(at)
76 Deepen institutions, democracy and accountability at local level. deepen-local-level-democracy-pop76inwsf7 HURISA EACOR Comeh(at), info(at)
77 Obtain reparation for MAU MAU freedom fighters and victims of British colonial rule in Kenya reparation-for-maumau-and- britishrulevictims-prop77inwsf7 mau mau war veterans association 0722612463, 0736438288
78 Promote the up grading of Kibera informal settlement upgrade-kibera-prop78inwsf7 assembly of the poor, kibera christian movement speakyb(at)
79 Act for Recognition of sovereignty of Somali land people towards-somaliland-sovereignty-prop79inwsf7 somaliland humanrights network SHURO-net yussufgalib(at), soyda2002(at)
80 Promote adherence to international human rights conventions set in peace to avoid further human rights violations adhere-to-peace-conventions-prop80inwsf7 kakamega human right network tomwanje(at), kakamegahumanrightsnetwork(at)
81 Support the Global mobilisation week 2008 starting from the local - grassroots support-global-mobilisation-from-the-local-prop82inwsf7 colectivo ecologista jalisco, red mexicana de accion frente al libre commercio, ruvuma mission to the poor and disabled ( tanzania), fuerza unida ( usa), safins women association ( tanzania) jorge(at), padi_msigwa(at), admin(at), inike2005(at)
82 Safeguard and promote the rights of sugar cane workers in local industries promote-sugarcane-workersrights-prop82inwsf7 nyando human right forum washiingtonobura(at), willieowino(at)
83 Deter the repeat of historical injustices on land and settlement of internally displaced persons - Masai case masai-landinjustice- experience-prop83inwsf7 narok human rights network, maa civil society forum, davitamech(at)
84 Improve access to prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS patients accessto-aidstreatment-prop84inwsf7 education for life kenya and 30 affiliates organisations eflkenya(at), famatola(at), fredolweny(at)
85 Promote food security and sovereignty for minority pastoral community in northern kenya northern-kenya-food-security-prop85inwsf7 al-habib food security group, kfajir district human right watch lbnuuthman(at), ndhrworg(at)
86 Initiate the Global week of human rights global-week-of-humanrights-prop86inwsf7 kenya human right commission admin(at), souma(at)
87 Advocate for the compensation of local people of lake Bogaria lakebogariapeople-compensation-prop87inwsf7 endoro's welfare council, netbon ecotourism project, centre for enhancing democracy and good governance mochongui chapter endowib(at), netbonecotourism(at), jtwtich(at)
88 Obtain declaration of India as caste ridden country and act to ensure the dignity of all dalits declare-india-caste-ridden-country-prop88inwsf7 jpic claretians, casa, ebci commission poj sest pjamesxavier(at), ebcisest(at)
89 Ensure respect of rights and constitutionalism in Uganda respect-rights-inuganda-prop89inwsf7 foundation for human rights intiative HDHRC uganda smn_81(at), jhri(at)
90 Support to regional and sub-regional human rights protection mechanisms support-rightprotections-prop90inwsf7 east african human rights institute eajournal(at), atungaatuti(at)
91 Develop Recognition of need for energy sovereignty in Africa energy-sovereignty-inafrica-prop91inwsf7 groundwork ( south africa),environment rights action ( nigeria), justicia ambiental ( mozambique), oil watch africa, friend of the earth africa, international oil working group bobby(at),nnimmo(at), terisatu(at)
92 Campaign for the rights of the urban poor rights-of-urban-poor-prop92inwsf7 society for empowering human resources SEHER, organisation for women in self employment WISE, multipurpose community development project MCDP, children aid ethiopia CHAD-ET seher(at), s.eher(at), wise(at), hannoabate(at), mcdp(at), fasilbro(at), chad-et(at), girmaag(at)
219 Organize Kenyan land squatters to claim their land organize-kenyan-landsquatters-prop219inwsf7 mt kenya human right network warunrundegwa(at)
220 Lobby and network to fight human trafficking fight-human-trafficking-prop220inwsf7 secours catholique ; coatnet; caritas several countries ( europe, africa, ghana, mali, benin, bosnia, rumania, lebano; asorad brasil, crid, srtu, bisg;solgidi; cusodow; cordaid; crs; setik srilanka gcolas(at);
280 Act to preserve protect the right of minority especially Muslims and Christians in the context of communalized religious fundamentalism in india protect-minorities-rights-inindia-prop280inwsf7 karntaka dalit mahila vedika, indian social institute look for address in wsfprocess site
281 Find support in international community to help mediate the conflict between cattle grower and peasants in Masisi ( Congo DR) masisi-mediation-initiative-prop281iwsf7 laclavere(at); 0733949301
306 Start a Global action week campaign " building another world from the local building-anotherworld-fromthelocal-prop306inwsf7 colectivo ecologico jalisco, red mexicana de accion frente al librecommercio, ruvuna msiision to the poor padi fuerza unida usa, sofins women association tanzania jorge(at);jcejumtz(at); padi_msgwa(at); admin(at)lafuerzaunida.orginike2005(at)
400 Consider the topic of prisons in the next WSF originals to be found
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