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Is this your first visit? If so, please read the '''[[WWTO_Context EN|context]]''', the '''[[WWTO_Objectives DE|objectives]]''' and the proposed '''[[WWTO_Approach DE|approach]]'''.
Is this your first visit? If so, please read the '''[[WWTO_Context EN|context]]''', the '''[[WWTO_Objectives|objectives]]''' and the proposed '''[[WWTO_Approach|approach]]'''.

Latest revision as of 14:17, 25 September 2008

The Intent

This initiative might become a WSF activity, before and during the WSF in Belem 2009.

It proposes a collaborative activity between different parts of civil society, supported by a WIKI internet forum for the purpose of creating a "legitimate Organisation to regulate International Trade".

Is this your first visit? If so, please read the context, the objectives and the proposed approach.

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