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Revision as of 14:55, 24 January 2007
organisers: Kenya AIDS Networks
time: 8.30 -11.00
participants: over 200 both male and female
The forum tacdled the following issues on strengthening primary health care in order to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS and tocare for those who are already affected and infected
community and social mobilization in our communities and at the same time avoiding stigmatizing them.
doners are eager to support programmers initially by t withdraw their financeil support even before the woruld be benficialries have realized any gains.
donor money should be used to support third workd stragegies and toools in the fight agaist HIV/AIDS thoughmost developmieng coutries are providing free ARVs and VCTs, the AIDS organizations and movements should lobby fheir governments to provide for mutrution plan for the people with whihc HIV/AIDS some of which cannot afford a meal. government s should provide for free feeding programs for those who are no ARVs.
3rd world coutries should thinkd of ways of financing thire HIV/AIDS programmes instead of relying on donors who dictate what shoul be done even when tthey have not understood what is happening on the graound
3rd world coutnries should borrow a leaf from Zimbabwe where the government has set aside 5% of the taxes to go to the HIV/AIDS victimes.
women who are more affected should lobby for rereserntation in powerrul position whre they can influence decision in favour of the HIV/AIDS victims. As a matter of urgency they shuld demand to have one of their own living with the virus to be a memver of parliament. as an MP she will be in a better position to push for formulation and implememtation of plicies in facour of those HIV/AIDS victims.
In conclusion developing countries should come up with home grown solution in the fight aginist AIDS raher than relying on donor who do not have the solutions.
All should lobby for community empowerment mordern to hold leadership in governements, churches, NGOs accountable and transparen in all thir undertakings.
--Victorggk 17:55, 24 January 2007 (EAT)