Environment Alert

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[http://www.envalert.org Environmental Alert]
[http://www.envalert.org Environmental Alert]
[[Category:Action theme]]
[[Category:Actionable themes]]
[[Category:Environment and energy]]

Revision as of 06:59, 5 December 2007

Environmental Alert (EA)is a Non Governmental development Organisation born out ot the need to address the alarmingly low levels of agricultural productivity in the country, high levels of food insecurtiy and low incomes in both rural and against rapid degradation of natural resources on which community livelihood depends.

Environment Alert is also a 1st prize winner of one of the most prestigious awards for environnmental sustainability in the World, the the Energy Globe Award.

EA'S Mission To contribute to improved livelihoods of vulnerable communities by enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainable natural resources management.

EA'S Vision Envisage communities free from hunger and managing their natural resources sustainably

Environmental Alert

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