Child Violation

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Title: Child Violation in the war torn countries

Name of organiser:Case study in Somalia

Number of participants:100

Summary of key issues discussed:

The case study is discussed a family who live in one of Mogadishu's displaced camps after they fled from their origaanting lands due to the conflicts and fllods in Kuntuwarey vilage in the Lower Sahbel region of Somalia . Fanmilies lost their jobs, the father divorced the wife to escape responsibilty for the family. Whilre there is nop effective govt institutions in Mogadishu city it has become difficult for the mother to claim her dues from the father in courts. the children decided to work with their mother to bring up the family.

Recommendations from event

There should be policy and practices to improve por conditions in the war torn countries. Children must also be provided with decent work free from insultations and beatings.

Time and Date of event: 6pm, 21/01/2007

Report by:Loum Godfrey and Nabitotto Sharon Alice.

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