From KLAMediaWiki
- Our goal is to create a permanent link between the Social Forum and the Library. Quotations.
This site about the activities of the World Social Forum (ordered by 21 Actionable themes) is part of the pilot project of Kenya Library Association (KLA)
and the Network Institute for Global Democratization (NIGD). begun as a facility for East African librarians who wanted to collect information about the Nairobi WSF 2007. We continue towards the Belem WSF 2009.
American librarians got involved in the project via the Atlanta USSF 2007. European librarians will, hopefully, come on board through the Malmoe ESF 2008.
Said about the on-going crisis in Kenya:
At the moment, my biggest problem is the interference with the pressfreedom. Kenya established the Media Council which ought to be autonomous. I would want it to act as such. This is the time to get information as it is. This is the time we need analysts to come out and show the country the way forward. The banning of live broadcasts should be condemned by all. As information managers we must condemn this action by the government in the strongest terms possible. Esther Obachi User:Obachi, member of the webteam, 21 Jan 2008
Pomoja tunaweza - Together we can!. We intend to cooperate with the Memory Project of the WSF.