Activities of the Peoples Health Movement in Tunis

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(Announcement retrieved from an email by Amit Sengupta) 2013-03-22

The People’s Health Movement (PHM) and Oxfam-France call for actions towards democratizing global health governance, realizing equitable and universal health care systems, and addressing social determinants of health.

After inspiring peoples across the world by initiating the Arab Spring, social movements and activists across the world have chosen Tunisia to host the 2013 edition of the World Social Forum (WSF).

Tens of thousands of activists will gather in Tunis to defend people’s ‘Dignity’ from 26th – 30th March 2013.

During the WSF 2013, the PHM jointly with Oxfam-France is organizing three workshops.

Topic Content / program

27 March

  Slot: 2

Salle: P14

Power Structures for Health Governance We will discuss:

We will focus on the role of multinational corporates and international monetary organizations in shaping the health governance at national and global levels. It will also address the trials of International Monetary Fund (IMF) to continue the implementation of its impoverishing policies in the Arab Spring countries (the case of Tunisia and Egypt). The program will include:

28 March

  Slot: 2   Salle : P14

Health system strengthening and universal health coverage We will discuss:

  We will focus on the structural determinants emerging from the political and economic context on the national and global levels.

The program will include:

29 March

  Slot: 1   Salle: SE8

Political, economic and social determinants of people's health We will discuss:

We will focus on the structural determinants emerging from the political and economic context on the national and global levels.

The program will include:

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