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Revision as of 12:53, 11 December 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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The WSF Library site is about the activities of the World Social Forums. Most of the activities are one-time events (conferences, workshops etc.) during particular social forums, but some of the activities span over more than one WSF.

We want to build and maintain a library and an archive of the WSF's activities. Each activity should have its own Page. And each page should belong to at least one of the basic 'books' (the 21 Actionable Themes) and at least one of the 'chapters' (the Social Forums).

On our MediaWiki-website, 'books' and 'chapters' means Categories. The category of the 21 Actionable Themes themselves form the basis of our classification scheme.

To find an activity, click and browse the Actionable Themes (from the link, or the left navigation bar) search for existing pages (articles) with the search-button.

Note that you must create an account for yourself and login to the site, if you intend to amend and edit the pages, or add new pages. Use the links in the upper right corner to register and login.

Editing pages

An edit toolbar is automatically displayed with the edit box, once you have clicked on "Edit". For help on the edit toolbar, go to . More generally, we recommend Wikipedia's tutorial on How To Edit A Page.

How to create a new page? When you are ready to start creating the new page, type its Title in the search-field under the navigation bar (left), then press the Go-button. You will be taken to a page with a link to editing the new page, if it does not yet exist. The title of a page should be, or be based on, the name of the activity.

Adding Category-tags

As said, each page should be included in at least two categories.

To include a category, add the following tag: [[Category:Name of the category]] at the bottom of the page. You may enter several category tags on one page. Example of what you enter:

[[Category:Debt, taxation and public finance]] [[Category:Nairobi WSF 2007]]

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