Dakar WSF 2011

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WSF 2011 Logo

The date of the WSF 2011 event in Dakar, Senegal, has been set to 6-11 February. The event will take place in the university campus which allows room for up to 60,000 people (although further spaces are available should the registration show the need).

The International Council Meeting of the World Social Forum Mexico City, Mexico 5-7 May 2010, agreed that the Dakar WSF will revolve around three thematic axes:


Day to day programme

Opening: Sunday 6th February

Official opening and a march along the streets of the Senegalese capital

First Day: Monday 7th February

Focus on Africa and the African diaspora. (The WSF 2011 organising committee will play an active role in defining this day's programme.)

Second Day: Tuesday 8th February

A myriad of self-organised activities

Third Day: Wednesday 9th February

A myriad of self-organised activities

Fourth Day: Thursday 10th February

Dedicated to building of thematic convergence between the activities

Fifth Day: Friday 11th February

Dedicated to the assembly of assemblies of social movements.

Contact details


World Social Forum 2011 Secretariat

S/C USE / Centre Ahmadou Malick Gaye,
BP 4109, Dakar- Sénégal
Tel : +221 33 825 13 81
+221 77 436 88 01
+221 76 281 26 21
[1] <p>African Social Forum Secrétariat

Enda / Syspro 2
73 rue Carnot,
BP 6879 Dakar-étoile
Dakar / Sénégal
Tél. + 221 33 82170 33
Fax. + 221 33 823 57 54


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