Attac International Meeting in Nairobi
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The international Attac-Meeting at the World Social Forum in Nairobi will be on Saturday, January 20th, starting at 10:00 am and lasting until 13.30 in The Professional Centre in the centre of Nairobi. It is located somewhere in Parliament Road, St. John's Gate. Parliament road is next to the Parliament, the City Square and one block from Uhuru Park.
The WSF will start with the opening ceremony in Uhuru Park at 14.00 also in central Nairobi. We will make sure that our meeting will finish early enough that we can all take part in the opening ceremony.
As the time frame of 3,5 hours is quite limited, we propose to have the option of a second meeting on Wednesday, the 24th in the afternoon. This would allow to come back to some questions in more detail, given the meeting on the 20th decides to have a second meeting at all.
On the 21st we will post the information on attacsem, Glob-ATTAC and EUR-ATTAC, whether and where the second meeting takes place. If you can't attend the meeting on the 20th, please check your e-mails on the 21st of January.
As only few national attacs have so far been involved in the preparation of the international meeting, we suggest to have a preparatory meeting also an the 20th at 8:30 am in the same venue. Meeting point will be in the reception hall of the "Professional Centre".
Some suggestions for the agenda:
1. Short presentation round of Attacs present in the meeting
2. Short presentation of the Attac-activities at the WSF An Attac-focal point during the WSF and an Attac-Block at the concluding WSF-demo?
3. What are the major topics and questions that the Attacs work on in their countries and on the regional level (e.g. Attacs in Europe)? This would also include a short Report from the last European Attac Meeting in Catania (15-17 December) Depending on mutual interest we could afterwards split up in smaller groups to have a deeper exchange on particular topics; some proposals for that: Migration and remittances (Attac-Italy); How should ATTAC challenge neo-liberal policies? (Attac-Japan).
4. Discussion on the future of the WSF
5. What role for Attac in the international council of the WSF?
hoping to see as many of you as possible in Nairobi, have a good trip there,
best regards,
Yoko Akimoto (Attac-Japan), Sara Andersson (Attac-Sweden), Alexandra Strickner (Attac-Austria), Christophe Ventura (Attac-France), Philipp Hersel (Attac-Germany), Ricardo Gómez Muñoz (Attac-Spain), Emanuele Achino (Attac-Italy)