Fighting AIDS
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Fighting AIDS By keeping our promises
Organizer Kenya Catholic HIV/AIDS taskforce
Time 11:30-1p.m
Date Jan 22nd 2007
NUmber of participants 80 field
Key speakers
Had five speakers Talking about various aspects of HIV/AIDS.
Two catholic NUns and three lay people working in Health
Summary of Issues AIDS programme in Nazareth Hospital, in central Kenya. THe hospital has a AIDS/HIV program that deals with the care of those infected by the HIV Virus. The program has four components Provides Anti Retro Vitro (ARVs) Provision of counselling services Social services Outreach services i.e reaching
Participants in areas in the hospital neighbourhood The program is supported by a laboratory and a pharmacy BY 2006 the program had 2000 registered HIV Patients out of this 100 patients are children 60% are women 40% are men
COnclusion MOre women than men seek treatment Due to the treatment and counselling provided and following more women are giving birth to HIV negative babies
Recommendations People should treat HIV patients with care to avoid stigmatization Depending on the availability of resources in terms of finances and staff homebased core would go along way in making the lives of those affected more bearble