Asserting People's food sovereignty

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Asserting People's food sovereignty

Organizers Pellum Kenya ,Pellum Zambia

Farmers are the majority all over the world,2002 an organisation working with small scale farmers and they formed the WSF small scale farmers forum, Farmers are very important because if they decide not to grow anything for even only a week,there will be a lot of crisis in the world,

Number of participants

Male 60 Female 70 Total 130 Majority were of Asian origin and Africans

Farmers have to spear head poverty alleviation campaign.we need to eat our own food,we have to say no to foreign food

Farmers have and own the resources yet they do not control them Ruth Msyoka are farmer in Machakos Vice chairperson of KESSFF in Arid areas,they are faced by many challenges

She advocates for use of our original and indigineous seeds,not the genetically modified ones The genertically modified ones need chemicals,fertilizers e.t.c for them to do well yet the small scale farmers ave no money nor time,

The infracstructure is so bad and even if there is good harvest,there is no road to facilitate taking the produce to the market

In kenya 70% of small scale farmers are women.The same women have to do farming,taking care of childrenn including those orphaned by aids,collect fireowod e.t.c The chairperson of the small scale farmers association of Uganda.She says the small demarcation of land makes farmers waste a lot of time moving from one place to Most farmers have been advised to stop growing their local food like sorghum and sweet potatoes.Instead they are told to plant things likes prrethrum,athenesia(malaria drug related plant.yet these are not edibles.At the end of it all they have no food.T

There are also price fluctations of these cash crops which make the farmers loose a lot.Most of these cash crops are also exported in raw form and this earns the farmer and the country very little.

Instead members should be encouraged to be educated to plant and grow and process their own idigenous crops.

God created human beings and gave them regions with different climatic factors that favour different parts of the world should enjoy the kind of food that does well there.

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