Enabling Fair Trade in Africa
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Enabling Fair Trade in Africa
Male 26
Female 23
Male 49
Michael Muchelon from COFTA and IFAT
IFAT is a global alternative trade network that provided fair trade alternatives to the disadvantaged producers. has 300 members spread over 70 countries Africa has about 70 members
Fair Trade as defined by the world's leading fair trade players is a trading partnership based on dialogue Transparency and respect that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to and securing the rights of marginalized producers and workers especially in the south.
For trade organizations are engaged activity in supporting producers, awareness raising and campaigning for changes in the rules and practices of conventional trade
IFAT prescribes a standard which fair trade organizations must follow in their day to day work These include
Creating opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers by supporting the poorest producers
Transparency and accountability through dealing fairly and openly with trading parties
Capacity building through developing the skills of producers and creating opportunities for trading their products
Promoting Fair trade by telling as many people as possible about fair trade and informing customers where products have come from.
Payment of a fair price by ensuring that producers receive a fair price for their products
Gender equity providing equal pay and opportunities for women and men
Ensuring that producers are working in a healthy and safe place
Ensuring that the UN convention on the rights of child are upheld and respected (child labour)
The Environment ensuring that materials used in production and packing do not damage the environment
Date 22/01/2007
By Patricia Salano