Solar cooking
From KLAMediaWiki
Campaign for Solar Cooking
reported by Josha Kaunga and Margret Wanambisi
Time 11:30-2:00pm
Organizer Sunfire Cooking
Speakers Pamela
summary of issues discussed
-The system will control depression because there will be no charciaol production
-Charcoal production has caused massive and nearly invisible degradation of grazing land and water catchment areasin the world.
-Sun fair cooking puts people an dthe enviroment into profit its effiecient solar cooker
-Sun cooking will help to control poverty.
1. Mobilize women groups about solar cooking an deducate the whole village vcommunity to change from charcoal to sun fire cooking
2. IInvolve church based organisations an dcommunity based organisations
3. Use media compaigns to reach out to the community and the world in general.
4. Reaseach to improve solar design in a more affordable way.