Non- Formal Education

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Non- Formal Education and Informal Skills Training

By Patricia Salano Time 11:30-2:00pm

Organizer:Undungu Society of Kenya

Speakers Mr.Mutiuki

Mr.T Nekesa-CEO kenya Alliance for children

Mrs Muli

Number of participants( approximation)

Male 60

female 60

Total 120

summary of issues discussed

Undugu Society of Kenya is one of the pioneer organizations in sub-saharan Africa which deals with the rehabiltation of street kids.

It was founded in 1973 by a dutch catholic priest Lat Father arnold Grol after observing a growing phenomenon of street children in Nairobi.

The non-formal education and informal skills training is one of the programmes of the Undugu society of Kenya whose aim is to reach out to the excluded in the society by providing alternative form of education and training to younger stars who have been excluded from mainstream education and traing programmes.

Non-formal Education is an organised cativity that operates outside the formal educationn programme.It's traget group are children and youth between the ages of 6-17 yrs.

The programme offers technical and academic subjects. academic subjects include English Kiswahili arabic Religious Education technical subjects include Moter vehicle mechaniices Home science carpentry cloth making entrprenuershipand applied geomery

The non-formal Curriculum is flexible in that it allows learners to enter,drop out and re enter according to their wish.

A policy has be developed by Ministry of Education,this ensure that quality education is offered to Kenyan children.

--Victorggk 17:28, 24 January 2007 (EAT)

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