African Migration and Violence

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African Migration and Violence


11:30 a.m-2:00pm

Name of Organization

Forum Pour Unautre

No of participants

Male 13 Female 12 Total 25

Key speaker profile

Mamadon Keita Secretaire general dec e.association Retawi,travail,Dignite,siege Hotel DEfene Bamako(MAli)

Summary of Issues

Causes of migration are numerous. There are forces beyond human control. Travel documents are confiscated and authorities ask for money.

African migrants sometimes are put into Jail while others are sent back home some of them beaten to death. People from developing countries prefer to force violence than stay in their own countries


There is need to go step by step not rushing to migrate due to the negative effects.

People in developing countries especially the youth have to be innovation in order to be productive. Also developed countries that were the colonial masters, need to look into there policies in order to be flexible e.g confiscating passports, Deportation e.t.c because people have a right to travel.

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