4th Day Activities and Proposals for Actions
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The 4th Day Activities and Proposals for Actions 2007 WSF
Note of information
This note presents the methodological decisions debated in the Content and Methodology Commission meeting held in Nairobi from the 16th to 18th Dec. 2006. In essence, the WSF process has moved from “Thematic Terrains” to “Objectives for Actions” around which all our struggles, actions and alternatives are made visible and strengthen. The 4th day is the designated time for movements that have been participating in the first three days of the Nairobi forum to present and share with everyone, if they so desire, their proposals for action.
The proposal for actions should be the result of our reflections during the self organized activities and these proposals must connect the different organizations having decided to connect with others, campaigns, struggles and alternatives.
The 4th day will be divided in three working sessions:
The morning, with two periods of self organised meetings and assemblies; an afternoon period that will consist of 5 big Forums of Struggles, Alternatives and Actions. A convergence rally ending up with a tree planting event.
The morning periods are a continuation of the three previous days of self organized activities. During all the days of self organized activities, organizations are invited to draft their “Proposal for Actions”. Each proposal must be signed by at least 3 organizations or networks, containing a brief description (no more than half a page) that conform with one of the following themes for actions (Since the objectives for actions guiding the self organized activities were broad-based themes, the C&M commission decided to expand them into actionable themes):
- 1. Water;
- 2 National /International Institutions and Democracy;
- 3. Peace / war;
- 4. Housing;
- 5. Women’s struggles;
- 6. Dignity/human being diversity / discriminations;
- 7. Human Rights;
- 8. Youth;
- 9. Food sovereignty/land reform;
- 10. Labor;
- 11.Education;
- 12. Environment and energy;
- 13. Health;
- 14. Knowledge / Information / communication;
- 15. Debt;
- 16. Migrations;
- 17. Free Trade;
- 18. Culture;
- 19. Transnational Corporations;
- 20. Children;
- 21. Alternative economies;
A basic form will be available at each activity venue where the respective organisation/groups could be fill it in at the end of the activity and submit it to a small office designated for that purpose. All proposals for actions will be posted at the same office currently identified as the Hall of Proposals. In that space, everyone can see the proposal for actions that will be presented in the 4th day.
During the afternoon of the 4th day, 5 Forums of Struggles, Alternatives and Actions will be organized to present all the proposal for actions according to the proposed themes. The presentation of each proposal should not be more than 3 minutes long. The presentations will alternate with cultural performannces related to the themes for action.
At 5 pm, all people present at the Forums will converge in a rally followed by a tree planting event as a symbol of the planting of the seeds for alternatives.