Co-operation between African and China

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[The co-operation between Africa and China:Chances and challenges]Name of Organizers China NGO Network for international exchanges

Number of participants Male 56 Female 33

Key speakers profile Professor Isaac Mbeche principal School and Social Sciences and humanities,unversity of Nairobi

Summary of Issues A report was presented by Professor Isaac about the opportunities and challenges of Africa as a contient trading with China

Professor Isaac stated that influence and China is growing at a tremedous rate because attracting a debate among Africans and the entire world.

Chances For Africa to Trade with China Africa as a whole should deal with the people of China directly,this means therefore that we have to study the entire chinese culture and Language so as to win the trust of the Chinese however,it was related that this is a challenge for Africa which finds it had to relate with China

Think about globalisation in order to be successful

Challenges Faced by Africa Lack of respect for Africa sovereigntiy by China Exploitation at work places by Chinese Production of low quality goods OPpression of workers MOnopoly of Chinese goods in African markets yet at a low cost compared to African products A Statement was made y co-presenter from CHina NGO network International exchange which attracted debate from Africans almost leading to foght between the two parties she said CHina interest to trade with Africa is a sincere help for Africa The following were their agreements SOuth Africa we had a WIN WIN WIN situation.They wanted the economy to canter for all people but not only the rich

ZImbabwe stated that it's very hard for the people to carry out trade.Any other country not providing visas to t

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