Mentally ill and their rights

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Title: Mentally ill and their rights

Time: 2:30-5:00pm

Issues discussed


-Stigmatization and discrimination


-Lack of support from the government

-Lack of drugs

They are misunderstood and people think they are pretending

-People think it is a disease of people who are bewitched

-Isolation from friends, family members

-Lack of support.


-Loss of jobs

-loss of homes



There are a number of factors that cause psychiatric and these include;








Mental illness were categorized in various categories

-Stress and depression



It was noted that even the care takers also encounter the challenges in their course of giving care to th mentally ill.


-Government to assist in form of drugs

-Mentally ill want to be accepted as human beings in the society

-People should understand that mental illness is like any other disease and they can positively contribute to the development of the society.

Date 23/01/2007

By Rose Njoroge

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