User:Loyce/BlogEntry: 2007 December 03 15:44:29 EAT
From KLAMediaWiki
KLA Media Wiki training 3rd to 5th December 2007 at KSMS
Day One
The KLA conducted this training a the School of Monetary Studies from 3rd to 5th December 2007. Participants were taken through basics of uploading items on the wiki in order to main wsflibrary wiki. The session was very interesting as each participant updated their pages and blogs on the wiki.
The purpose of this workshop is to create a critial mass of librarians that will upload and maintain wsflibrary wiki. Kudos to KSMS, their services are very fantastic. Talk of the internet connection,, its the firstest connection I have used. The training environment is very good for participants to learn how to use the wikis.
Day Two
Day two was also good and on the bad side of it was that the internet connection was very slow compared to the previous day. We had a presentation from Julie, she works with the University of Michigan Library USA in the Special Library Branch. She is also a social change activist and she is also involved in the world Social forum activities
We also had a presentation form Rosemary, Chairperson, KLA. She took us through the physical documents collected fduring the Nairobi WSF. She alosd informed us that they managd to get two volunteers who complied the list of all materials collected. She also mentioned that the Finnish Embassy r has provided space to KLA where those materials will be kept. After the presentation participants discussed the way forward for WSFlibrary.
Summary of proposal of the wayforward for WSFlibrary
-KLA be a focal point and the custodians of the materials -Realising the information to the University of Michigan . Materials should be kept locally and accessibe -Physical documents to remain with KLA -Digitising the materials and upload them on the wsflibrary. This has alot of implications like funding and manpower -Creating intelectual linkage with other WSF activities Forming alliance with other movements inorder to strengthen the cintinuity -Found a private library and not a public library -Secure funding for wsflibrary -