Proposals on Transnational Corporations from WSF 2007
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163 Make a UN campaign for adopting compelling international regulation on transnational corporation activities
association africaine de defense des droits de l'homme, CRTC, coalition for reconciliation transparency and citizenship
jckatende(at), landhkama52(at)
== 164 Develop a campaign " think about your consumption ", be responsible of your lifestyle"
165 Educate managers about values of social responsibility
institute of social ministry tangaza college
mapopamoscar(at), chaskim2001(at)
166 Ask governments transnational corporations and international institutions involved in extractive industry to become fully accountable to the citizens and civil societies
CIDSE network of catholic ngos
jm.fardeau(at), c-overkamp(at)ci
== 167 Set up an international day of action against wal mart and other super retail giants coordinating demands and concerns
global exchange IRLF
ruben(at)globalexchange .org, trina.tocco(at)
168 Develop review of human right records of major corporations
kulumani support group, HOM
mrjobson(at); tshepo.madlingozi(at), hansje.plagman(at)
== 172 Intensify action on accountability of extractive industry actors in their home Northern countries about illegal acts they performed in the South (see 166) ==
commission permanente petrole njamena, secours catholique caritas FRANCE, coalition publiez ce que vous payez
cppn(at), gregoire-niaudet(at)
174 Link two movements against violations of human rights in oil industry
175 Reinforce and widen the networks of civil society organisations active about extractive industries
asadho katanga - coalition publish what you pay , secours catholique, comission petrole ndjamena
jckatende(at), gregoire-niaudet(at)
== 176 Bring credible independent reports of negative impact of extractive industries companies behaviour and practices and inform their shareholders ==
centre for social and corporate responsibility port harcourt nigeria
dumpe_bb(at), boniface(at)
== 400 Get the transnational corporations to take into account the social and environment impact of the activities they perform ==
(originals to be found)
== 178 Boycott transnational organisations that do not respect the environment and destroy peoples livelihood==
world council of churches, cscr nigeria
rrm(at)wcc-coe-org, dumpe_bb(at), boniface(at)
== 179 Develop working together between trade unions and other civil society organisation and fight to harmonize labor laws==
transnational institute
antonyotieno(at), fdove(at)
180 Engage Chinese NGOs to increase the awareness among Chinese citizens about what Chinese companies do in Africa
chinese-awareness-on-chinainafrica-prop180inwsf7 xinjiang conservation fund
debbie_gecn(at), wenboz(at), 86-131466900320
238 Put pressure on corporation exploiting or affecting indigenous people
vivat international , oblates of mary immaculate
gretta(at); seamus(at)
239 Transfer in the field of action on transnational corporation the experience of south African post apartheid political dialogue
denis hurly peace institute south africa
240 Reinforce civil society organisation capacity to go in court against transnational corporations
association africaine de defense des droits de l'homme asadho katanga
jckatende(at), asadhokat(at)
241 Act to redistribute transnational revenues in improving community life
CRTC coalition for reconciliation, transparency and cityzenship, jubilee 2000 angola
landukama57(at); jubileusec(at)
161 Advocate for a better redistribution of TNCs revenues (see241)
solidariedade para o desenvolvimento integrado angola;crtc coalition for reconciliation transparency and citizenship
joaquimngoma(at); landhkama52(at)
177 campaign against soy system and agro TNC inplicated ( cargill, dreyfus, maggi)