Proposals on Water from WSF 2007

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Proposals from the Nairobi WSF 2007, collected from


1 Build alternatives to commercialization of rural water using public and community models

IATP,TNI,WDM, Coalition against privatisation (Ghana), Engineers without borders (Catalunya)

Contact persons: svarghese(at), olivier(at)

2 Pressure the UN for robust support of public water

FNAS, Blue Planet, PSI, TNI, CEO, WDM

Contacts: vicky(at), david-boys(at)

3 Build a day of mobilization on water in the decentralised WSF 2008 using WSF website to link initiatives

FRANCE Libert�s, TNI, CEO, WDM, CEVI, Contratto mondial acqua italia, afican water network , rede viva, reclaiming public water, assemae, CNDAU Uruguay, Coordinadora Bolivia

Contacts: andre.abreu(at), anaidoo(at)

4 Start a campaign to shift donor aid from public private partnerships to public public partnerships

World Development Movement, Fivas, Corporate Europe Observatory

vicky(at), olivier(at)

5 Promote public public partnerships for water for all in south America

Transnational institute, REDES, FFOSE, FRANCE libert�s, WDM, ASSEMAE, FIVAS, PSI, Blue Planet, FNAS, CNDAV

Contact: olivier(at)

6 Hold an assembly of citizens and elected representatives for water in Brussels march 18-20 2007

world water contract committee of italy belgium switzerland, italian water movement forum, mediteracqua ( italy), FRANCE libertes, blue planet project ( canada); corporate europe observatory ( holland, international public services ( IPS), federacion de funccionarios de ose ( ffose - uruguay), african water network

Contacts: acqua(at), secretariat(at)

7 Promote the human right to water, document violations and build capacities to claim

AACC/caritas internationalis ecumenical platform, ecumenical water network, APRODEV

Contact: mgo(at), gkm(at)

8 Bring the theme of water up in all type of actions during the movement against G8 6-8 June in Rostock

Attac germany, Attac italy


9 Join hands and share experiences in the fight for full access to clean and safe water and against privatization

african water network

Contacts: virginiasetshedi(at), virginia(at), adconso(at), batherney(at)

10 provide water in the village for the poor people

Contacts: patzeonu(at)

11 Water is life life is a right stop privatizing water

OAIC women department

Contacts: papodo55(at)

213 Start Water resource protection initiative in Kenya

loreto JPIC england; caritas /aacc; association of sisterhood of kenya; loretto sisters

Contacts: camecea(at); aoskjpc(at)

215 Promote better management of ressources leading to peace and social justice

uganda orphan rural development programme tororo uganda

Contacts: uordp(at); jaramogikende(at)

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