User:Book/BlogEntry: 2008 January 25 14:56:06 EAT

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Wow, Loyce User:Loyce, you made it!

I mean the [ Proposals on Women from WSF2007] , which you have now added those to our WSF Library.

It would be fine if you could tell in some detail how you made it. What was easy, what was difficult, what more needs to be done etc. This might be helpful to all of us.

One thing I would recommend is to mention about some of the proposals (the most topical, or important, in your own view) on the main page for the actionable theme "Gender issues and women struggles".

Today we pray for Kenya. Tomorrow is the World Social Forum Global Day of Action (26 January 2008).

I just proposed to the group "Information for Social Change" ( to make a link to Esther's analysis on the situation in Kenya (see User:Obachi) on our site, - as a minimal action. There are so many millions of people who want to be part of an action for a change in the situation. For instance, an action to get rid of the nuclear arms. But they don't know how to link up with it. Yet. And therefore our criminal political elites can continue to tell that they reserve the option of preemptive nuclear strikes for themselves. (See Pre-emptive nuclear strike a key option, Nato told , The Guardian 22 January 2008).

Yes, they are ready to kill us all for their own sake.

So we might need to pray for mankind, too. And then, when we have made our prayers, let's do something together!


More blog, also blogged via

Global Action. What do NIGD Members Do? by Mikael Böök ? posted at 2008-01-25 14:32 last modified 2008-01-25 14:32

I feel compassion with T (his lumbago) because migraine has struck me today, so you will not see me at Kolme Seppää�in Helsinki. Will try to be active on the net instead in between the headaches. The deficiencies of this global action day are partly due to deficiences in our understanding and use of the internet. Paradoxically, we could not have the WSFs and this global day of actions without the net, either.

"We" are not only the hundred thousand social activists of the WSF. We are hundred millions of people. But we have not yet learned how to make our will effective through the net. We need to build the net as the cosmopolitical library of mankind, that is, as a global institution governed by librarians. Our world is actually moving fast in that direction, towards the institution of the global cosmopolitical library. Just look at Google, for instance. It plays a quite dominating role on the net, nowadays. However, imagine a Google taken over by the librarians, that would already be a long step towards our new institution.

Google, originally a visionary project of two bright young guys who loved to play with free and open software, rapidly became another playing field for venture capitalists. However, information is a peculiar good, as was constated by economists already years ago. Capitalism just cannot be built upon the accumulation of information. The Google model of information Capitalism, which is built on revenue from advertisements, will crash with the first economic recession.

The headache strikes again, aarrrgh. Hav a good action day! warm regards

- Mikael
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