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Welcome to the wiki-WTOThe IntentThis initiative might become a WSF activity, before and during the WSF in Belem 2009. It proposes a collaborative activity between different parts of civil society, supported by a WIKI internet forum for the purpose of creating a "legitimate Organisation to regulate International Trade".
Actionnable themesActionable themes will be developed progressively
CommunityThis is the place for coordinating the community For beginners : First steps . Tutorials . Sandbox For contributors : Guidelines . Help needed . Discussions For translators : Managing languages |
An email announcing the Wki-WTO to the European ATTACs
(from the attacsem list 4 January 2008)
Dear All,
Here is an idea.
We all know the Wikipedia on-line encyclopedia, each of us may consult it on many topics, so that it becomes a reference
Behind this scene are countless volunteers, as well as Internet tools supporting their cooperative effort.
In this line, please find enclosed a Wiki forum project, termed as "World Fair Trade Organisation" or "OMC légitime".
The idea emerged suddenly and the concept may be powerful.
The project summary has been already translated in several languages. A workshop at the next gathering in Sarrebruck will allow people to know each other, join forces and gain speed.
Three skills are required to launch the forum:
- 1) Multilateral trade issues expertise, so as to feed and moderate the exchanges
- 2) Wiki software experience and expertise, to implement and steadily develop
- 3) The ability to communicate across languages
Gilles Meuriot and Carol Bonvin started on 3) and immediately 30 translators + (EN, DE, IT, PT, FR) expressed their interest and support.
Among several thousands of Attac Europe members, no doubt there are many others capable of and willing to give birth, first light to the wiki forum. We are now looking for those persons who shall initiate the Wiki (free software, Docu Wiki for example), support its growth and protect it from attacks. This forum is meant to make people across the world bring forward and agree proposals through a voting procedure, a process that needs to be transparent and robust.
Thank you for conveying and disseminating the information so that volunteers emerge and come together. All your suggestions are most wellcome.
(you may send comments & suggestions to gilles.meuriot2 (at)