Framework for the International Trade EN
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Trade, which is one facet of human activity, must obey the imperative of responsibility.
Nowadays, trade is practised within an international community already endowed with numerous institutions: the United Nations (UN), the International Labour Office (ILO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)………
�The World Trade Organization (WTO) has great power on trade matters. Yet it was not created by the UN, it does not cooperate with the ILO, and takes little interest in the social and environmental consequences of its decisions. Anyway, it is the place where trade disputes with short-term perspectives are played out.
If the WTO is so seriously defaulting on its imperative of responsibility, it is up to us, here, to put international trade back in its proper place, to integrate it into the hierarchy of norms and regulations, to assign it its framework and its mandate.