G20 call from Belem
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Joint statement coming out of the WSF
At the WSF a broad range of groups have worked on the Financial crisis and developed a joint statement for the up-coming G20 meeting in London. The result of this convergence space is a joint CALL FOR THE SIGNATURE OF NGOS, TRADE UNIONS AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS. Taxation of financial transactions is just one of the demands put forward in the statement, which bears the headline: For a new economic and social model Let’s put finance in its place!
You can find the English, Spanish and French Version on www.choike.org/gcrisis - directly for sign on there. You can also send signatures by email to:
The statement is the result of a series of seminars at the World Social Forum 2009 in Belem, which involved among others : Action Aid, Attac, BankTrack, CADTM, CCFD, CEDLA, CNCD, CRID, Eurodad, Global alternatives Forum, IBON, International WG on Trade-Finance Linkages, LATINDADD, Networkers South-North, NIGD, SOMO, Tax Justice Network, Transform!, OWINFS, War on Want, World Council of Churches.