Human Dignity and Human Rights Caucus

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Event: Human and Human Rights Caucus

Reported by Bukirwa Annette


Campaign for basic human rights e.g food,clothing.shelter e.t.c

The human rights activists in gain local and global attention

The human rights envirnoment,oil AND energy serving in Africa advocates for the consideration of Africa's sovereignity in energy

Also to create a platform in the WSF to consider energy crisis in Africa and in the world.

Provide for member of the human rights and human dignity education and training

Advannce of human rights for women's rights for law reform

Consider women's rights an housing and land ownership

Coordinate and engage fellow human rights activities from all parts of the world infact finding missions

To engage and join protests to G8 countries to stop funding multinational economies.

Share information on public interst law and to use public interestlaw to support housing and Land right

The East African Human rights institutee Nairobi advocates for

For support ,strengthening of regional and sub regional activities
Support the strengthening of Human rights Institution
Hosting of sub regional human rights platforms.

Involve rappotues in the WSF

Need forjointaction for Global day on HUman dignity and human rights in 2008

Creation of human rights and conflict task force to overcome bias,double standards and reflects on the real

Situation in areas of conflict resolution


That all medicines for HIV/AIDS be free and available
Address social human rights problems of peopleliving with HIV/AIDS
Prevention measures of HIV/AIDS be given equal opportunities and funding


Cultural piracy is being abused.calling upon the world to respect culture of each individuals

HIstorical injustice on land,masai treaty.

Engaging and supporting empowerment of women coffee farmers in Kenya,Rwanda,,Uganda to address challenges of globalization

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