Category:Environment and energy
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Energy and Environment
Energy and Environment are essential for sustainable development. The poor disproportinately affected by Environment degradation and lack of access to clean, affordable energy services. These issues are also global as climate change, loss of biodiversity and ozone layer depletion cannot be addressed by countries alone.
Human Beings have traditionaly adopted to changes in environment including climate change and climate variability. However such changes to a large extent were evolutoinary that required gradual and at time spontaneous adaptation. Consequeently Social system were able to draw upon their intrinsic resilience and allow for changes in environment conditions.
The larger of climate will be adverse effects.
"The World we all share is given to us in trust. Every choice we make regarding the earth, air, and water around us should be made with the objective of preserving it for all generations to come."
Pages in category "Environment and energy"
The following 17 pages are in this category, out of 17 total.
E |
E cont.GLP |
P cont.RTW |