Proposition of thematic axes for the wsf 2016 February 2016

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The themes contained in this proposal are derived from the collaborative work process carried out from September 2015 to February 2016. This process, facilitated by the Programming Working Group, took several steps, with working seminars in Montreal (1-3th of October and 16th of December 2015), two international web consultations (September 2015 and December/January 2016) and finally a last working seminar in Porto Alegre (Brazil) during the thematic World Social Forum (19-23 January 2016) and the International Council meeting that followed (23-24 January). These themes are intended to facilitate the construction of the general programming of the WSF 2016, guiding people who wish to provide activities through the auto-programming process. The themes will also allow participants of the WSF 2016 to understand the structure of the program of the WSF and identify the themes that interest them. The thematic axes (in the form of titles followed by a series of keywords) are presented here without any hierarchy or order of precedence of one over the other.


1. Economic, Social and Solidarity Alternatives facing the capitalist crisis

Alternative economy serving human and earth; Equitable sharing of wealth; Counter the privatization of resources; Preserve the economic, cultural and social fabrics; Personal resources as a source of income; Socially responsible consumption; Simplicity; Friendly decay; Self-sufficient economy; Local economic circuits; Production and local consumption; Economic models based on common goods; Alternative Lifestyles; Social entrepreneurship; Agriculture in the heart of the local economy; Accountability and corporate social responsibility; Sharing economy and the gift; Precedence of economic, social, cultural and environmental rights on the "rights" of big business; Building a Solidarity Economy as an alternative to capitalism; Guaranteed minimum income; Market economy vs non-market; Formal vs informal economy; Cooperativism and solidarity economy; Indicators of social impacts of investments; just environmental and energy transition

2. Communications, Science, Culture, Technology and Democratization of Knowledge

Internet as a common good; Information asymmetry; Digital divide; Right to knowledge; Knowledge sharing; ICT and traditional identities; Repression of journalists; Fight against ignorance; Aperture Science; Against dogmatism; Access to information; Democratization of technology; Dissemination of knowledge; Knowledge as a common good; Education for All; alternative pedagogies; Internet hate speech; Journalisms types; Innovation; Decolonization of minds; Ethical Internet; Truth and conscience; Indigenous knowledge; Misinformation and democracy; Muzzling of scientists; Freedom of expression ; Recognition of knowledge; Learning diversity; Right to dissent of opinion; Conscientious objectors; Science and politics; Media concentration; Cyber-crime, cyber-terrorism and cyber-control; Universal accessibility in communications; standardization and capitalism culture

3. Culture of Peace, Conflict Prevention and Resolution

Fundamentalism (religious, economic, political, etc.); Militarism; Fight against nuclear weapons and the militarization of countries and space; Missing; Fight for a change in the international system; Peace education; Colonialism and military control; Pacifism; universalism renewed; Right to dissent and criticism of those in power; Humanitarian intervention; Conscientious objectors.

4. Decolonization, Self-Determination and International Solidarity for a Just Social and Environmental Development

Limits of international cooperation; coloniality of power; Decoloniality of knowledge and expertise; Development assistance; Solidarity of peoples; Decolonization, neo-colonialism and post-colonialism; Development indicators; illegitimate debt; Post-development; Anti-imperialism; Crisis of multilateralism; Internal decolonization; Aboriginal issue and territories; Issue of reparations; Self-determination of peoples; Autonomy and sovereignty; Rights of Indigenous Peoples; Peoples liberation movements; Struggles for independence; Solidarity with the oppressed people.

5. Defense of Mother Earth and Climate Justice

Extractivism; Environmental Justice; Climate refugees; Climatic changes; Reconnecting to our common roots; Protection of human populations; Protection of biodiversity; Energetic transition; Privatization of natural resources; Support for family farming; Food security / food sovereignty; Territories, transformation and ownership by citizens; Local and organic farming; Air quality, water, earth; International agreements and environmental problems; Health and environment; Socio-economic rights and indigenous territories; Land monopolizing; Struggles of peasants; Anthropocene; Common good of humanity; Environmental education

6. Democratization of the Humanity Power to Act in the Global Fight for Social Justice

Global citizenship; Renew political decision process; Multilateralism; Reform of international institutions; Opening places of power to citizens; Governance and solidarity; Recognition of traditional indigenous governance systems; Finding the right spirit; Citizenship education; Defense of democracy; Role of political activists; Neoliberalism against democracy; Democratization of society; Institutions and citizenship; Universalism and dialogue
in humanity

7. Human Rights, Dignity and Struggle against Discrimination

Respect for all; Inclusion; Fight against racisms and xenophobia; afrophobia; Islamophobia; antisemitism; racism against Rom; Fight against discrimination; Rejection of extremism and fascism; Against Homophobia and discrimination affecting visible and cultural minorities, women, disabled, seniors, lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender; Equality for all; Recognition; Right to the city; right to housing; Universal Accessibility; Emancipation; the right to dignity of peoples; Struggle for the liberation of political prisoners

8. Identity, Diversity and Gender

Rights of LGBTQI / Queer / transgender; Gender equality; Feminist struggles; Gender issue in different struggles movements; Intersectional struggles; Informal women's work; Exploitation of women's bodies; Gendered violence; Fight against violence against women and children; Marginalization of minorities; Place of indigenous women; Alliances of struggles for the rights of women; Fighting sexism; Missing women and feminicide; Strengthening women’s organizations; Child’s rights and protection; Senior’s rights

9. Fight Against Inequality, Public Services and Resource Distribution

Protection and universality of public services; Role of the State; Fight against privatization; Fight against austerity; Consequences of austerity on health and education; Equitable distribution of wealth; Universality of family policies; Improving social programs; Social justice; Tax Justice; Poverty eradication; Inclusive education as a public service; Free education and health services; Student movements; Struggle against social exclusion; Roaming; Universal basic income and guaranteed minimum revenue; Right to housing and habitat 

10. Migration, Refugees and Citizenship Without Borders

Open borders; Rights of migrants; Migration crisis in Europe; Immigration and integration; Fight against statelessness; Freedom of movement and settlement; Protection and respect for refugees; Support for displaced populations; Wars and forced migration; Economic migration and asylum; Asylum for LGBTQI people; Citizen initiatives to help to refugees

11. Struggles and Convergences of Social and Citizen Movements

Enabling environment for civil society organizations; Future of social movements; Convergence of struggles and collective actions; Citizen initiatives; Our oxygen: youth; Radical democracy; Participatory democracy; Social movements and political parties; Living and teaching citizen participation; Connecting youth initiatives; Representation in decision-making circles; Critique of power; WSF political significance; Development of the WSF; Strengthening civil society; Active citizenship; Strategies of movements; Promotion of alter-globalization; social resistance movement

12. Workers and Citizens Facing off Capitalist Globalization

Union struggles; Standards and working conditions; Fight against the power of transnational; Fighting corruption; Decent work; Gendered work and economic empowerment of women; Child labour; Fight against free trade and investment agreements; Destructive effects of globalization; Fair taxation; Financialization of the economy; Sustainable income and decent wages; Fight against tax havens; Internationalism

13. Other

(free space without themes, for those who do not recognize themselves in other axes)

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