Disarmament for Sustainability
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Via International Network of Engineers and Scientist for Global Responsibility INES
27th March 2013 13h-1530h
Revision Espace 2
Bread for the World, INES/ VDW, IPB
Speakers :
- Aurelie Royon (Mouvement de la Paix)
- Reiner Braun (VDW, IPB)
- N.N (Bread for the World).
- Moderation: Lucas Wirl (INES)
Workshop activity concerning the challenges for the world peace and the connection between disarmament efforts and sustainable development.
Nothing good for humankind has ever derived from military and war. Yet armament increases while human kind faces global crisis: environmental changes threaten the survival capability of our planet, immense imbalance of the distribution of resources and prosperity threatens the lives and the peaceful coexistence of many. A shift towards sustainability is needed.
The actual debate on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be presented.