Economic Partnership Agreements
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EPAS and social mobilisation
The role of the youth in EPAS and social mobilisation
Organiser: Africa Youth Coalition Against Hunger
Participants male 18 temale 47
Summary of issues
EPAs Economic Partnership Agreements
EPAs are free trade agreements between unequal parties which will tie up Africas regions to Europe in an imbalanced framework and undermine Africas producers economies and autonomous efforts at regional level intergration,
EPAs has an even greater impact on the African women because of the gender gap that exist between males and females and because the African women are still experiencing disempoerment, maginalisation, limitations and denial of basic rights. The EPAs will result into loss of much needed revenues as a result of the alimination of tarrifs and duty barriers
A bigger crisis in agriculture
Significant welfare losses
In all this Africa needs to pursue autonomously determined policies which promote the development of our economies and fulfill ther social and human rights and livelihood needs of our people.
Integration of African countries e both regionally and continentally on the basis of our own imperiatives is a key condition for the development of our countries and for the benefit of our people,
List of documents
3 prints
Documentation code 1114
Reporter Getrude Lema