User talk:Azizi
From KLAMediaWiki
Azizi Hasan is my name but recently I decided to add the African name that is Kagugu which is now my user name so Ester,Rosemery,Michael and all who are present in this workshop note the change. Kagugu means one out of many weeds that has managed to survive in a dry land.
I work with the Open university of Tanzania as a Tutorial Assistant/Librarian.My duties are mainly making sure the documents are processed,accessed and face to face help to the users of the library.
Dear participants of the world social forum training in Nairobi,I take this opportunity to inform you that we Tanzanians reached safely yesterday at arround 7:30 in the evening.Kenya Airways changed the time for our plane,instead of departing at 12:45 we left at 4:30.Otherwise we thank the Kenya Finish Embassy and organisers for every thing they did for us receave the wikimedia knowledge.Our promise is ensuring the wsf library wiki improves.