From KLAMediaWiki
- Our goal is to create a permanent link between the Social Forum and the Library. Quotations.
The 12th WSF event is scheduled to take place in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, from 9th to 12th August, 2016. To find out about it and to participate, go to its website:
The previous eleven editions of the WSF were:
1st WSF : 2001 - Porto Alegre, Brazil
2d WSF - 2002 - Porto Alegre, Brazil
3d WSF - 2003 - Porto Alegre, Brazil
4th WSF - 20014 - Mumbai, India, 2004
5th WSF - 2005 - Porto Alegre, Brazil
6th WSF - 2006 - Bamako, Caracas, Karachi
7th - 2007 - Nairobi, Kenya
8th - 2009 - Belem do Pará, Brazil
9th - 2011 - Dakar, Senegal
10th - 2013 - Tunis, Tunisia
11th - 2015 - Tunis, Tunisia
The WSF is a world-wide process which includes many regional national and local social forums. The goal of the WSF Library Project is to create a permanent link between the Social Forum and the Library.
About this website:
This website begun as a facility for East African librarians who wanted to document the World Social Forum in Nairobi, Kenya, January 2007. Learning how to use wikis,and other social networking skills, were/are part of the WSF Library Project. To our knowledge, librarians did not carry out any corresponding documentation project during the WSF in Belem, Brazil, 2009. However, during the WSF event in Dakar, Senegal, 2011, librarians and archivists from Senegal, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Uganda, the Netherlands and Finland, assisted by staff from the Bibliothèque Universitaire (BU) of the Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD), and volunteers from the EBAD library school, continued the project.
The activities of the Nairobi WSF were ordered in 21 analytical classes, which were at the time (2006-7) identified as the main actionable themes of the WSF by its International Council. This website, which is built with the same MediaWiki software as the Wikipedia, uses the 21 actionable themes to classify the activities of the social forums. started 2006-2007 as a pilot project of Kenya Library Association (KLA) and the Network Institute for Global Democratization (NIGD). (Read more about it!)