Activities of the Working Group on Education in WSF
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Information about the self organized activity of the working group on Education: "THE EDUCATION WE NEED FOR THE WORLD WE WANT", EDUCATION, SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE. Retrieved from an email by Cecilia Fernandes from the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE)
Date: Wednesday, 27th March
Time: 13:00‐ 15:30
Venue: University Campus el Manar / Room: P33
1.‐ Share and extend the debates created by the Education Working Group on the current development concept and the meaning of education in this context of multiple crisis and commodification of life.
2.‐ Develop a debate on the education we need for the future we want, provoking conceptual reflections based on an approach focused on education as a human right.
3.‐ Share different readings and interpretations on the emergence of new social movements for democratization and social and environmental justice. General presentation of the ongoing movement … how this new development concept is understood. PARTICIPANTS:
1st. part
- Ilich Ortiz ‐ CLADE. ‐ Who we are, what we think and what we expect as an Education Working Group. Multiple crisis, education and Youth and Adult Education.
- Refaat Sabbah ‐ Teachers Creativity Center.‐ The Arab Spirng: the Education we need for the construction of democracy.
- Amira Yahyaoui‐ AL BAWSALA Promoting Democracy in Tunisia ‐Democracy in the country and at home. Women’s participation in the construction of democracies in the region.
2nd. part
- Paul Bélanger – ICAE ‐ Lessons learnt in the new diverse social movements. Presentation of experiences by the Education Working Group and by the audience.
- Albert Sansano – SECI Foro Mundial de Educación (FME ‐ World Education Forum) ‐ Confederación de STES‐ Intersindical – Spain.‐ New organizational forms in defense of public Education have been developed in the European countries in crisis (experiences from País
Valenciano and Madrid).
- Sebastián Vielmas – Federación de Estudiantes de la Universidad Católica de Chile (Federation of Studentes of the Catholic University of Chile) – Recent experience of the Latin American students’ movement.
Coordinator: Marcela Ballara ‐ ICAE
Date: 29th March Time: Afternoon
Organisations participating: ICAE, CLADE, CEAAL, FME, FLACSO, REPEM, ICEA, TCC, 2nd. Journey on Environmental Education for Sustainable Societies and Global Responsibility, Education International
The Convergence Assembly of Education seeks to interrelate all the organizations, networks and people who are part of the education movement as a whole, so as to share lessons learnt, and strengthen alliances within the movement and with other movements as well.
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