Colloquium on Global Civil Society Movements

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Colloquium on Global Civil Society Movements: Dynamics in International Campaigns and National Implementation/the rise and development of the Global Debt Movement.

Date: 22 January

Time: 11.30-2:30 pm

Organizer: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development

Key Speaker Profile: Katarina Sehm-Patomäki. Executive Secretary.NIGD (Network Institute for Global Democratization, Helsinki, Finland.

Summary of Issues

Origins of the debts movements

Arguments used by the debt movements

The debt issue on the official political agenda of the North and the south.

As discussed the department problem is a fascinating mixture of the world politics and poor relations spiced with greed and mistrust.

It also shows the devastating consequences of systematic imbalances in the global economy. From the civil society standpoint these consequences have resulted in human suffering and diminished opportunities for those affected by debts


As we concluded that indebted poor and developing countries ave paid their dues to the Northern creditors many times over.

Therefore the debt problem of developing countries is perceived more as a political problem than an economic problem


Development is an integral part of fundamental human rights

Reported by Getrude Leme

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