Dakar Extended
From KLAMediaWiki
From http://www.worldsocialforum.org :
While the organization of the next World Social Forum in Dakar is entering the final stage, many activists and organizations all over the world are preparing to attend the event also from a distance. More than 100 "extended" activities have been announced by their organizers to take place in teleconference during the week of the WSF, from the 6th to the 11th of February 2011. Civil society groups, networks and local social forums have answered the “WSF Extended / Dakar Extended invitation”, which is still open (see: http://openfsm.net/projects/Dakar-etendu/invit2). The format of these extended activities is either “local” or “distance encounter with a group in Dakar”, or “distance participation to an activity in Dakar, or a sequence of these, or " Dakar activity enlarged on internet”, using simple tools and equipment and an internet connection. Activity organizers are currently defining day, time, format, topic, counterparts in Dakar, with support of Dakar Extended team, part of Communication Commission of the Senegalese organizing committee. For each activity, there is a presentation on the internet, a private mailing list and a chat room. These pages, lists, rooms help develop continuous communication between organisers, participants and the Dakar extended facilitation team - with preliminary encounters and broadcasts. Contact: facilit.space.wsf.extended@gmail.com Dakar Extended is supported by Sfex Initiative ( Social Forum Extended ) facilitated by WSF International Council's Communication commission. Objective of Sfex Initiative is to helps develop “distance collective intercommunication” into a common decentralized practice inside the WSF process.