Ethiopian Farmers and Consumers Say No To GMOs
From KLAMediaWiki
Organizer: Ethiopian Social Forum Organising Committee
Producing Farmers varieties as organic products is relatively easy as most small holders growing landrates( less than 90%) do not use fertilizers or other inorganic imputs on their anual FV Crops such as sorghum, durum, wheat, and other cereals and root crops across the country.
However in recent years, multi national companies, Northern governments and irresponsible scientists and researchers have been pressuring governments in poor countries in Africa and Asia to accept Genetically Enginereed seeds and crops. Scientists and advocates of this technology forsee reduction of the crop lands,better nutritional value, and reduced use of energy, transport and pesticides. International trade agreements and food aid are the two major instruments being used to this end.
Some of the reasons to say No to GMOs include:
- GM crops will contaminate non GM Crops; co-existance is not possible.
- GM crops are patented
- GM crops will foster dependence on a corporate seed supply
- GM crops will increase the use of chemicals
- GM crops will usher in Terminator and Traitor technologies
- GM crops threaten organic and sustainabale farming.
- The bio-safety systems being advocated are unrealistic for African countries
- GM crops will not reduce hhunger in Africa
- GM crops will resolve problems with pests
- GM crops will encourage the arbitary destruction of biodiversity.
- GM crops are a threat to human health
Generally GMOs present unprecedented potential risks to human health such as allergies, antibiotics resistance, risks to the environment. The co-existence of GM and NON-GM crops is impossible, raises serious ethical questions and they may have significant international implications.
By all standards, GMOs are not solutions to Africa's problems and we say No to GMOs.