Fighting Aids
From KLAMediaWiki
Title: Fighting Aids by Keeping our promises, care for people living with HIV/AID from Kenya. Experiences(part 2)
Organisers: Love and Hope Based Center, Love and Hope education for Life.
Participants: Over 1500
Speakers profiles: Doctors, Cousellors, Health Care workers, Community Based Home care trained personnel, representatives of patients with HIV/Aids, Pastoral personnel, Micro-finance manager.
Summary of Key issues.
Love and Hope home based care and Love and Hope education for life are a non governmental and non profit making organisation that took it upon themselves with the approachinvolving the concerned families, communities, NGOs, government, networking with other bodies such as foreign countries etc.
It has so far excelled in the work of giving these patients among others hope to live longer , physical strength, spiritual motivation, as well as material provisions, education and training to both the sick and their families. Trainig involves hyegiene, organic home vegetable farming, treatment, spiritual welfare to mention a few.
They also teach people to save where possible through the advosed farming by joining in groups of 10-25 people. they can then monitor these activities by trained personnel.
Behaviour Change is Possible through this approach by Love and Home Based Cre in Kenya.
Report by: Esther.