Global Civil Society More or Less Democracy
From KLAMediaWiki
- "The Committee on Civil Society Research in Sweden decided
- to organise a seminar titled Global Civil Society - More or Less De-
- mocracy? at the WSF in Nairobi in January 2007, focusing on de-
- mocracy and civil society in the context of contemporary globalisa-
- tion. It was also decided to follow up the seminar with a publication,
- inviting additional contributors who were not part of the seminar in
- Nairobi, but who have a strong interest in issues related to global civil
- society. The key questions we asked were:
- * What are implications for democracy of the increasing number
- and activities of NGOs, social movement organisations and private
- foundations globally �whether we choose to conceptualise these
- as "civil society" or not?
- * In what sense does (or can) global civil society contribute to fur-
- ther democratisation in an era of globalisation?
- * In what sense can global civil society undermine democratisation
- processes? "
Quoted from :
Above: The cover page of Development Dialogue no 49, November 2007. Development Dialogue is a forum provided by the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation for critical discussions of international development priorities and challenges. Its main focus is on North-South relations and alternative perspectives to dominant paradigms.