Global Dialogue on Millennium Development Goals

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Title:Global Dialogue on Millennium Development Goals

Organization:Kenya Youth Education and community Development Programme

Summary of issues discussed

It is not in the United Nations that the goals will be achieved but they have to be achieved. In each country by the joint efforts of the Governments and people.

The campaign advocates for increased resource levels for Africa through debt cancellation, increased investment fair trade and increased quality aid.

The millennium campaign works in partnership with a broad based group of organizations including key policy influencing civil society organizations at sub regional, regional and global levels.

The millennium declaration from which the millennium goals derive is based on six fundamental principles which are:





Shared Responsibility

Respect for environment

Human Rights

They are international legal and moral standards that translate into civil, cultural, economic, political and social entitlements of individuals

There is no greater obstacle to the realization of human rights than the extreme poverty which inspired the millennium declaration and the millennium development goals

Extreme poverty is the most serious form of human rights violation in the world and the elimination of poverty is not an act of charity but a basic entitlement to human rights and so everyone should work at the eliminating poverty

Report By: Patricia Mambo

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