International Flower Production and Workers Rights

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Title: International Flower Production and Workers Rights.

Key Speakers: Antonio, Orlando, Irene

Summary of Key Issues:

The flower industry is a key sector in the economy of Columbia employing over 90000 people mostly women, displaced by war and who live below the poverty line.

The workers are employed through sub-contactors . This arrangement favours employers at the expense of the workers. The workers work for long hours sometimes upto 18 hours a day. Miscarriages are common and the workers frequently suffer from work related illnesses as a result of repeated exposure to pesticides already banned in other countries.

There is a high level of discrimination against women. Sometimes they are asked to sterilise themselves before being given work.

Another casualty is the environment because flower production uses a great deal of water that is got from underground.

Although there are trade unions that are supposed to advocate for the rights of the workers, the government of Columbia and the companies continue to restrict and persecute leaders and members of the trade unions sometimes even sacking them.


Trade unions need to provide education to workers not only to know and demand for their rights but also to know what is happening internationally.

Workers need to unite and fight for emacipation from exploitative employers.

More power within the structure of the trade unions should be given to the grass roots members.

Report by: Loum Godfrey.

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