Ms Mozambique

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Organisation Ms Mozambique

Time 2:30-5:00 p.m

MS Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke is a Danish name for international cooperation It was founded in 1944 by people committed to peace and reconciliation.

It is presently working in Maputo and expanding to south of Mozambique

MS is working as a development organization with main focus on democracy. It has programs in Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, Tanzania, Central America, Afghanistan and some Arab countries,

MS Vision

Is a world in peace where co operation between people will promote global equity and ensure improved conditions for the poor and marginalized.

How to achieve this vision

By offering opportunities for action for people who accept shared responsibility for global sustainable development

Working for understanding and dialog between people

Promoting development in the North and in the South by enabling enabling the poor and other marginalized people to realize their vision of a dignified life.

Ensuring improved access to information, influence and democratic rights to the marginalized and the poor through advocacy, educational work and organizational building of civil society.

Poverty reduction by campaigning for fair trade and improved access to western markets for countries in the global south.

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