Nairobi WSF listing of collected materials
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This list is also available as the PDF file File:Nairobi-WSF-document-list.pdf
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A game as old as empire -the secret world of economic hit men and the web of global corruption | Book | Steven Hiatt | Economy and Trade | 1
Traidcraft exchange development review 2005/06 | Book | Traidcraft | Economy and Trade | 1 |
Cofta - | Pamphlet | Fair trade organization | Economy and Trade | 2 |
The shirts off their backs | handbook | Christian Aid | Economy and Trade | 11 |
Challenges for Hemispheric emancipation | Pamphlet | Jubilee South Americas | Economy and Trade | 1 |
global problem of tax havens: the case of the Netherlands | Pamphlet | SOMO | Economy and Trade | 3 |
Our world is not for sale | Pamphlet | OWNIFS | Economy and Trade | 2 |
Codes and practices of five garment buyers in Africa | Manual | SOMO | Economy and Trade | 1 |
CCC solidarity action. Making a difference for workers | Booklet | Clean clothes campaign | Economy and Trade | 2 |
Stitching for south africa | Manual | SOMO | Economy and Trade | 1 |
Pakistan Trade unions solidarity center | Booklet | PTUSC | Economy and Trade | 2 |
Tarnished Gold:mining and the unmet promise of development | Handbook | Economy and Trade | 1 | |
World bank land policies | Pamphlet | Global campaign for agrarian reform, food land and freedom | Economy and Trade | 1 |
Rural livelihoods | Pamphlet | id21 natural resources | Economy and Trade | 1 |
Alternatives to national budget laws | Handbook | Sbilanciamoci — italian campaign for rights, environment and peace. | Economy and Trade | 1 |
Corporate actors –a global review of Multinational corporations in the water and electricity sectors | Pamphlet | David Hall | Economy and Trade | 1 |
Mobilizing for economic and social equity in and for africa in the global order | Booklet | Third world network Africa | Economy and Trade | 1 |
Mshikamano | Booklet | Mshikamano | Economy and Trade | 1 |
Implementing fair debt arbitration | Booklet | African forum and network on debt and development | Economy and Trade | 1 |
Uhuru wa upataji habari | Book | the Kenyan section of the international commission of jurists | Information and freedom of the media | 4 |
The publics right to know | Booklet | Freedom of information project | Information and freedom of the media | 1 |
Uhuru wa habari | Booklet | Tume ya kimataifa ya wanasheria | Information and freedom of the media | 2 |
Proposals on freedom of information law | Booklet | The Kenyan section of the international commission of jurists | Information and freedom of the media | 6 |
Freedom of information handbook | Book | The Kenyan section of the international commission of jurists | Information and freedom of the media | 1 |
Right to know newsletter | Booklet | The Kenyan section of the international commission of jurists | Information and freedom of the media | 1 |
Journalists behaving badly | Booklet | Media council of Kenya | Information and freedom of the media | 1 |
Media info kit | Booklet and Pamphlets | The Kenyan section of the international commission of jurists | Information and freedom of the media | 3 |
Commentary on draft freedom of information bills in Kenya | Booklet | The Kenyan section of the international commission of jurists | Information and freedom of the media | 3 |
Ending graft as we know it –the role of freedom of information | Booklet | The Kenyan section of the international commission of jurists | Information and freedom of the media | 1 |
Submissions to legislators on draft freedom of information bill 2006 | Book | The Kenyan section of the international commission of jurists | Information and freedom of the media | 1 |
2005 scorecard | Pamphlet | The social watch 2006 | Women and gender issues | 1 |
Women's legal aid center | Pamphlet | Women's legal aid center | Women and gender issues | 1 |
Peace women across the globe | Pamphlet | Peace women across the globe | Women and gender issues | 1 |
Sinke and Kanafa symbol of reverence for the Oromo women | Booklet | RCWDA and ARSI zone culture and information department | Women and gender issues | 5 |
The Pillar | Magazine | KWFT | Women and gender issues | 1 |
Women speak up:agricultural models, gender rights and a future for all | Booklet | EuropAfrica | Women and gender issues | 1 |
African women economic policy network Annual reports 2002-2005 | Book | AWEPON | Women and gender issues | 8 |
Dignity and social justice for women | Booklet | Isis –WICCE | Women and gender issues | 1 |
Standing up against unjust policies | Magazine | African women's economic policy network | Women and gender issues | 1 |
CEEWA –Uganda | Pamphlet | CEEWA | Women and gender issues | 1 |
Gender issues - articles published in Nairobi newspapers 1985-2005 | CD-Rom | Kenya indexing project | Women and gender issues | 1 |
The campaign against exploitative migration and human trafficking: Towards just and sustsainable development | Article | IMADR(Institution Against all forms of discrimination | Human Rights
| 2 |
Cruel Inhuman Degrades us all: Stop terror and ill-treatment in the war on terror | Journal. | Amnesty International. | Human Rights
| 1 |
International Human Rights standards : Making a Case for Kenya's Ratification of optional protocols | Book | Kenya International Commission of Jurists. | Human Rights
| 1 |
Strengthening the fragile Baston. Blueprint for judicial reform in Kenya. An ICJ policy and legal reform bulletin | Book | ICJ Kenya.
http// | Law
| 1 |
Justice be our shield and defender: An Audit of the State of Administration of Justice three years after the purge of the judiciary in Kenya | research report | ICJ Kenya
| Law
| 1 |
Towards a No Fault System of compensation for accident victims in Kenya | Book | O.Oooko Ombaka and Kulundu Bitonye | Law
| 3 |
UI NI UTONYI: A Kikamba newsletter on legal and human rights awareness for Yatta, Masinga and Ndithini locations | Newsletter | by Legal resources foundation(LRF)
| Law
| 2 |
The State of Consumer Law in Kenya | Book | Bernard M. Sihanya | Law
| 1 |
The draft National Land Policy: A Step Towards Land Reforms | Newsletter | Kenya land alliance. | Land And Agriculture
| 1 |
More and Better: An international campaign for food, agriculture and rural development aid to eradicate hunger and poverty | Newsletter |
| Land And Agriculture
| 1 |
Farm Worker Rights in Southern Africa | Book | Khanya College Publishing. | Land And Agriculture
| 1 |
.Land | Article | | Land And Agriculture
| 2 |
Agriculture | Article | | Land And Agriculture
| 1 |
Agrarian Research Institutes and civil Societies in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyztan | Book | Malcolm D. Childress courtesy of United Nations research Institute for Social Development. | Land And Agriculture
| 1 |
A Health Systems Development Agenda for Developing countries: A discussion document for civil society and NGO's | Global Health | Health
| 1 | |
Patents Vs. Patients: Who's Rights First? | Article | Oxfam international | Health | 1 |
Making access To essential medicines possible | Newsletter | World Council of Churches....
| Health | 1 |
Environmental Movements, Politics and Agenda 21 in Latin America | Book | United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
| Environment | 1 |
Articles on forestry, fisheries and conservation
| Articles | | Environment | |
Carbon trading - A critical conversation on climate change, privatization and power. | Book | Development dialogue no.48 September 2006
| Environment | 1 |
SHS Views No 15/December 2006-February 2007 | Magazine | UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Sector Magazine. | World Peace
| 1 |
Peace Messenger: yes to Peace and International Solidarity, No to Imperialism and Neo- Colonialism | | World Peace
| ||
Unconventional Warfare: Are US special Forces Engaged in an Offensive war in the Philippines? | Book | Focus On The Global South.
| World Peace
| |
A Covenant of Self Understanding Purpose | Pamphlet | Peace for life.
| World Peace
| 1 |
Panchati Raj Awareness and Voters Education Campaign (PRAVEC). A collective intervention in ulttaranchal Panchayat elections-2003 | Magazine | Church's Auxilliary For Social Action(CASA) | Education
| 1 |
Grassroots Alliance For Community Education: An Overview of G.R.A.C.E Africa's Participation In the community | Article | G.R.A.C.E.
| Education
| 1 |
Rebuilding the Lives of The Poor. Development Paradigm and Perspective in the New Millennium. | Book | Church's Auxilliary For Social Action(CASA)
| Poverty
| 1 |
Millennium Campaign: Voices Against Poverty | Pamphlet | United Nations.
| Poverty
| 1 |
Unjust Enrichment: the making of land grabbing millionaires, Living large Series Vol.2 | Book | Kenya National Commission on Human Rights and Kenya Land Alliance.,
| Poverty
| 1 |
MPIDO(Mainyoito Pastoralist Integrated Development) | Booklet | MPIDO
| Poverty
| 1 |
The Right not to be Poor: Poverty as a violation of Human Rights | Book | Social Watch | Poverty
| 1 |
Undugu Society of Kenya | Pamphlets | Undugu Society of Kenya
| Children
| 4 |
Capacity Building. A Strategy For Empowerment | Booklet | Undugu Society of Kenya. | Children
| 1 |
From physical punishment to positive discipline | Book | African network for the prevention and protection against child abuse and neglect (Anppcan) Kenya chapter | Children | 5 |
Governments don't do enough to fight corruption | Article | Transparency International Kenya.
| Corruption
| 1 |
Ending graft as we know it: The Role of Freedom of Information | Pamphlet | the Kenya Section of international Commission of Jurists....http//
| Corruption
| 1 |
Understanding the African Union convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption and Related Offences | Book | Akere Muna-Transparency International.
| Corruption
| 1 |
CPI: Kenya's Performance Audit | Booklet | transparency International
| Corruption
| 2 |
Building a common Front to Fight Corruption | Book | transparency International,
Government of Kenya and the World Bank. | Corruption
| 1 |
. WSF 2007 Program | Newsprint | General
| 6 | |
Terraviva: the independent newspaper of the World Social Forum, Jan 20-25 | Newsprints |
| Corruption
| 9 |
GOVERNMENT OF BRAZIL: The Creation of New Relationship Between the State and the Civil Society through Popular Participation | Newsprint |
| Corruption
| 2 |
Global democracy in the Nexus of Governments, Parliaments, Parties and Civil society | Magazine | Christoph Zophel | Democracy and Governance | 3 |
The PRSP in the Horn of Africa. Regional PRSP Consultation Proceedings and Papers. | Book | InterAfrica Group | Poverty and Governance | 1 |
Water and electricity in Nigeria | Magazine | David Hall | Water and electricity | 1 |
Resistance and alternatives to energy privatisation | Magazine | David Hall,
Steve Thomas Kate Bayliss | Energy | 1 |
MS –Training center for development cooperation.
Course catalog 2007 | Booklet | | Education | 1 |
Coming technological Tsunamis | Booklet+CD-ROM | Etc group | Technology | 2 |
Center for civil society. CSS Events and Activities,
May –August 2006 | Booklet | Center for civil society | General | 2 |
China and Africa World Social Forum | Magazine | China NGO | Economy and Trade | 1 |
Inclusive education. Meeting Special Educational needs in an inclusive school setting | Book | Ministry of Education and Sports (Uganda) | Education | 1 |
Caritas Calling | Pamphlet | Caritas Pakistan | General | 1 |
Annual Report 2005 –Uganda Joint Christian Council | Magazine | Uganda Joint Christian Council | General | 1 |
Effective Consultancies in Development and Humanitarian Programmes | Pamphlet | John Rowley and Frances Rubin. | General | 1 |
Environmental Alert | Booklet | Environmental Alert (Uganda) | Environment | 2 |
The new merchants. Life as a commodity | Book | Global Forest Coalition | Environment | 1 |
Tax Justice Focus | Newsletter | Tax Justice Network | Economy and Trade | 1 |
Local government Budgeting process for people with disabilities. | Booklet | National Union of Disabled persons in Uganda. | Disabilities | 1 |
Trade agreements: The role of Members of Parliament in Negotiation and Implementation of Trade Agreements. | Book | Freidrich Ebert Stiftung | Economy and Trade | 1 |
Human Rights –Tamilnandu Initiative | Magazine | Tamilnandu Initiative | Human Rights | 1 |
Actionaid Annual Report 2005 | Book | Actionaid International Kenya | Poverty | 1 |
National Policy on Disability in Uganda | Book | Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development | Disabilities | 1 |
The Disabilty Movement in Uganda | Book | Alex Ndeezi | Disabilities | 1 |
Information on common disabilities in Uganda | Book | National Union of Disabled persons of Uganda | Disabilities | 1 |
The broken rifle | Magazine | War resisters International | World Peace | 1 |
Working for Justice, Building peace and spreading solidarity across the world. | pamphlet | Caritas international | Peace and Justice | 1 |
African Flame | Newsprint | General | 3 | |
The Poverty Challenge: Poverty and Poverty reduction in South Africa, India and Brazil –Call for papers | Pamphlet | SANPAD | Poverty | 5 |
Porini association | Pamphlet | Porini association | Environment | 2 |
Together for social justice | Pamphlet | Tanzania Ecumenical Platform | General | 1 |
Service without borders LWF/DWS:Making a difference | Pamphlet | Lutheran World Federation Department for World Service. | Humanitarian projects | 1 |
The Green Belt Movement | Pamphlet | National Council of Women of Kenya | Environment | 1 |
Global article 9. Campaign to abolish War | Pamphlet | Peaceboat. | World Peace | 1 |
Engendering Peace | Booklet | Thelma Ekiyor
| World Peace | 1 |
Peoples Potential | Pamphlet | Environmental alert | Environment | 1 |