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Title: �East-West-South social movements and left dialogue: common problems and different strategies”

Co-organized by IGSOD (Institute for Global Studies and Social Movements, Russia), GUE/GNLA (European Parliament), MUP (Movement of United People, Venezuela)

Date: January 23rd 2007

Time: 2.30-5.00 p.m.

The seminar is focused on the problem of modern left alternative and social movements development in three different types of social systems –�post-welfare (former first world), post-communist (former second world) and post-colonial (former third world). All these three segments of our world-system are now facing a challenge of new stage of capitalism –�globalized neoliberalism.

Points to treat in the seminar:

1. The role of social movements in the new world order.

1.1. Main lessons of the Soviet socialist experience for East, West and South, and how these lessons can contribute to the development of modern left alternative.

1.2. The Latin American experience in the field of social movements like a model of anti-globalization resistance.

1.3. Main difference between socialisms of 20th and 21 century, socialism �compromised”�and socialism �wanted”. a) From the end of the USSR to the development of multiple forms of left alternatives.

2. Relation between social movements and formal politics.

2.1. Relationship and correlation between social movements and political left in three parts of the world.

2.2. Relation between social movements and the State.

Concrete actions and possible forms, methods and principles of cooperation between leftist and social movements of three different segments of the world in their anti-capitalist struggle.

3.1. National and international aspects of the struggle against neo-liberalism. What does internationalism mean today?

3.2. Concrete strategies for the impulse of a process of radical and necessary rearticulation of social movements at global level.

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