Scientific Knowledge simplified and integrated with Local Knowledge
From KLAMediaWiki
Title: Scientific knowledge simplified and intergrated with local knowledge
Organiser: Environmental Alert,
Participants; male 26 female 50
Speakers Christine Nantongo, Environmental Alert officer
Summary of issues
The aim of this initiative is to overcome hunger , It is recignised that every body has a right to food and life. Environmental Alert uses the approach of scientific and agricultural modelling which is actually intergating local knowledge and science to achieve an alternative futureBenficiaries of this initative are
Goat rearing group
Farmers School training group
Soil conservation group aided by ICRAF
Agaliwamu farmers group say they are nolonger dependedant on microfinance institutions for loans anymore .This actually is an achievement of the aim of the conference, Anither world is possible
This initiative should be documented and shared with the rest of the world for others to benefit
List of documents
Date: 22 January 2007
Reporter: Paul Zwanzilo