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Today the 17th Jan 2007 the members of KLA had a lovely briefing meeting with the Memory project group at the Kasarani Sports Complex.18 KLA members attended the briefing that took the whole morning. They will finalize the discussions on friday. However, KLA will be having their workshop on the same day. Therefore, it was agreed that KLA will send a representative to the meeting. We are all looking forward to seeing all the librarians in Nairobi. Karibu Nairobi Esther

Hello all, thanks for the good work well done,it was a great experience for me and i hope it was for u all. Great thanks to KLA,Finnish embassy,Mikeal,Kingsley and all of us who put in our effort to see that our articles get to be read by somebody out there,keep the spirit high.

How about documenting CHOGM.

Best wishes.

Keep the grapevine working,by visiting this site,u will miss out it great,try it out


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