User:Loyce/BlogEntry: 2011 February 14 03:19:06 EST

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FSM 2011,Dakar:My Experience

Another World is Possible: My first participation in the WSF was in Nairobi WSF 2007. Librarians from East Africa were involved in the first ever documentation of the WSF memory. Since then, Librarians from across the world have been involved in the documentation of the WSF Belem WSF 2009, Porto Alegre 2010 Dakar WSF 2011.

This year's Forum in Senegal begun with the march on the streets of Dakar where social movements, networks, NGOs and other civil society organizations opposed to neo-liberalism and a world dominated by capital marched with the banners, placards to show their solidarity. WSF MARCH ed.jpg, WSFMARCH3ed2.jpg.

The following activities were organised during the forum; 2nd day : Day of Africa and Diasporas 3rd day : Self-organized activities 4th day : Self-organized activities 5th day : Assemblies of convergence for action 6th day : Assemblies of convergence for action / Assembly of Assemblies

As always, the forum had a hive of activities which included panels,exhibitions, plenaries etc. I must say that I did not fully participate in all the activities because of the language barrier. Most of the activities organised were in french language and on top of that there were not interpretation facilities which made my situation worse. In other circumstances, I could not locate the venue.My health also betrayed me, I felt unwell in the middle of the Forum because of my current status and I left Dakar before the close of the Forum. Thank God I arrived safely and was able to seek medical assistance and I am now okay.

All that did not stop me from enjoying myself and interacting with wonderful and dynamic librarians and activists.

I left the forum, promising myself to learn french language because I dont want to be left out again. Please if you know of any content online which can help me to learn french, please pass it over to me

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