User:Oleket/BlogEntry: 2007 May 11 16:08:43 EAT
From KLAMediaWiki
Protecting intellectual property . What comes to mind is how the information rich exploit the information poor.Kiondo is one of the most coveted inventions by Kenyans and its use is evident and firmly entreched in our rich culture with communities like Kamba and kikuyu oftenly mentioned. This timeless invention was however patented by a developed country, Japan, Kenyans would be breaching IP rights if they went ahead and use it, I will leave you to be the judge of that. Violation of patent rights is slowly manifesting itself as a challenge facing the developing nations in modern times , and we need to stop it as information custodians. But what consistitutes an invention or an innovation? why is the emphasis on commercial values,are we only trying to make new millionares . It is my opinion that this should be expanded to include many other factors other than the monetary implications, Heritage is one of those. Patents should not be used as a tool for exploitation or "extortion" as it is often seen, why should developing states for instance be denied to get cheap access to anti retroviral drugs ,whose sole intention is to prolong an HIV AIds victims life? I should not be mistaken for applying double standards but whilst we respect the inventions of individuals /groups we should also have respect for human life and dignity. A compromise has to be reached among all the stake holders.